Our approach is tailored to the size of your business.
Our Approach
Leadership coaching for big & small businesses in the UK: We provide business growth support and teach how to put strategies into action

“I’ve never met a business that didn’t have unrealised profit potential.”
David Boddy, Principal Partner, ASIS Business Coach
Smaller Enterprises
For owners of smaller enterprises, we deliver a systematic process that helps increase profits and discretionary cash flow so that the business education you are receiving can be easily paid for.
And because you are learning while earning, that profitability becomes sustainable. There’s a guarantee that it will work.
On average, across our network, small company profits increase by 35%-50% as a result of our coaching.
Larger Enterprises
For larger enterprises– with over 100 employees – we team with Denison Consulting to undertake a data-driven research process measuring employee alignment to the company Mission, their Involvement and sense of empowerment, their Adaptability in meeting change and their Consistency in delivering corporate values through positive co-ordination and integration.
Results are benchmarked against world class standards and data over the past 25 years.
“Our expertise is in employing data analytics to drive change. This is proven to drive productivity and business gain. The world’s leading companies have a positive Culture at the heart of their enterprise.”
Karen Jones, MD, Denison Consulting UK

In larger companies we follow a seven step process to create a positive culture and drive profits. Results are benchmarked against world class standards and data over the past 25 years.
Our 7-Step Process

1. Discovery Phase
- Executive interviews– to identify leadership view of challenges and cross company alignment
- The power of observation– site visits to observe how activity on the ground matches stated values and leadership objectives.
- Strategy Mapping– identifying strategic aspirations within current context.
2. Survey Planning
- Segmenting the data– into departments, subsidiaries, countries, teams
- Who takes ownership of the data and communications post survey
- The communication plan agreed

3. Diagnosis (a six-week process)
- The 48-question culture survey– takes 15-20 minutes to complete
- The 360-degree survey– to round out leadership assessment
- Reporting formats– Circumplex and detailed analysis of each ‘Trait’ line by line
- Comparisons with Global Benchmarks– performance measured against results of 1056 other companies undertaking the survey over past 2 years
- Identifying dynamic tensions– between the Traits
- Achieving balance– across all the Traits
- Identifying strengths– where action is needed to consolidate and develop higher performance levels
- Identifying gaps– where action is needed to resolve identified issues.
4. Honest Conversations
- Creative Conversation Circles– using the principles of dialogue to discuss findings across and within teams.
- Delivering Feedback– an objective reaction to findings, measured against Global benchmarks
- Accountability– who is now going to do what?
- Developing Curiosity– recognising the Survey also throws up new questions for company leadership.

5. Action Planning (putting strategy into action)
- Priorities, Budgets, KPIs
- Leadership & Teams
- Establishing shared goals & objectives of identified priorities.
- SWOT Analysis
- Strategy into Action Roadmap
6. Silver Bullets (21 Common Interventions to drive profits)
We categorise these under three headings: TIME, TEAM & MONEY
- Time Management Plan– a defined plan to focus on priorities
- Operations & Training Manual– a ‘how to’ guide for every function
- Apprenticeship Plan– a reallocation of tasks to junior team members
- Comprehensive Exit Strategy– a detailed plan to grow the value of the business before exit
- Strategic Plan– an evolving, written plan, unfolding fresh vision, mission and values, usually arising out of the survey.
- Team Building System– getting the right people on the bus in the right roles
- KPI System– identifying the critical numbers and creating a dashboard
- Performance Incentive Plan– an incentive plan rewarding all team members
- Employee Acquisition Plan– a practical plan to win top talent, including from competitors
- Psychometric Profiling Process– essential to avoid mis-hires and create alignment
- Team Meeting Rhythm– a disciplined rhythm of meetings focussed on goal setting, reporting and accountability.
- Lean Programme– achieving collective commitment to eliminate waste of time & materials to improve operational efficiencies
- Organisation Plan– a detailed and written plan to clarify reporting relationships
- Leadership Development Plan– an intentional process to develop high potential leaders and incentivise them.
- USP & Guarantee– a persuasive value proposition to remove risk, compelling customers to do business with you.
- Revenue & Profit Budget– a reliable budget forecasting discretionary cash flow, required capital and debt servicing.
- Current Business Plan– a credible written plan detailing the USP and targets.
- Breakeven Plan– an aggressive plan to stop the bleeding of cash and drive sales.
- Tactical Marketing Plan– a lead generation plan using both ‘hunting’ and ‘farming’ strategies, delivering improvements in conversion rates and increases in average spend per customer.
- Sales Management System– a practical system for building a top performing sales force
- Cash Gap Plan– an efficient plan to quickly collect outstanding receivables.

7. Sustainability
- Review & Refresh– unfolding the story of change; how, when, who and what will be delivered in light of the survey results.
- Embedding best practice– creation of a self-learning environment of best practice
- Taking the hard decisions– who needs to decide what, and what is the accountability ‘matrix’.